When John returned to the kitchen, he saw Miss Mary sitting at a table in the pantry with two men. He was introduced as the new pupil. The gardener was an older, friendly looking man who shook hands with John. The other was a handsome, younger man, with bold eyes and a clean shaven face. Well built and athletic looking, he gave John the male "once over" and was apparently satisfied with what he saw. "Glad to have a pretty girl around," he said. John blushed deeply and thought, "I have to watch out for him; he looks like a girl chaser."

John found that he was to serve the luncheon to these three and only after they were finished did he get a chance to sit down at the fourth place at the table, and eat whatever was left.

John was hungry by now. It had been a long time since breakfast. Miss Mary, who was watching, said, "Hold it girlie, you have to watch your figure! One helping is more than enough for you." She also took the dessert away before John had a chance to even taste it. Miss Mary ordered John to wash and dry all the dishes, pots and pans and after an hour of hard work, everything was finally spic-and-span.

Miss Mary told John that he could go to his room now. It was 2:30 and John had a half hour until gym class. He picked up his daily schedule and started studying it. It read as follows:

6 am

7 am

8 am

9 am

10 am

12 pm

2-3 pm

3 pm 4 pm

4:30-6 pm

6:15 pm

7:30 pm

8:30 pm

9:30 pm

10 pm

Gym room, calisthenics, physical exercise, leotards

Bath, prepare uniforms for the day, make up

Set breakfast table, help cook breakfast and serve breakfast.

Clean table, wash dishes. Wear morning uniform with white apron

Miss Betty: How to behave as a lady

Cleaning and dusting of house, instruction by Miss Mary.

Making beds and all other things required to keep an orderly house.

Set luncheon table, help prepare luncheon, serve lunch and clean up afterwards. Green uniform with white apron.

Free time and rest. During this period you are required to study, practice or prepare for other classes. *Dress is optional.

Sewing class with Miss Betty. White pinafore required.

Serve tea. Black uniform with tea apron.

Cooking class with Miss Mary. White uniform with coverall apron.

Set dinner table. Serve dinner. Black evening uniform with lace bib apron. Clear table, clean up and wash dishes.

Wash clothes, lingerie, iron, repair where needed.

End of day conference with teachers, review of activities,

disclosure of punishments. Attire as ordered. Lights out.

*During the entire day you will be responsible for answering the door bell and telephone. Therefore, it is imperative that a complete afternoon uniform be worn since no pupil may appear out of her room without being properly attired.

After reading all this, John sighed, "I wonder whether this is 'seven day-a-week slavery'. When do I get fresh air?"

John looked at the clock. It was nearly 3 o'clock. The schedule said sewing class, but John thought it better to follow the instruction of Miss Clara. Since nothing was said about what to wear he decided to wear the same luncheon outfit. He found out from Mary where the gym room was and knocked at the door.

"Come in," someone shouted and John opened the door. There he saw Miss Clara standing, tall and demanding in the middle of a very large room, only a little smaller than a real gym hall. Apparently


the whole basement had been converted for that purpose.

Miss Clara was dressed in a tight fitting black dress, with white collar and long sleeves. She had on old fashioned button shoes with medium high heels and a black patent leather belt. Except for her age and conservative clothes, she could double for one of these hefty females illustrated in books like "Satana" and "Domineta."

In the room was all kind of gymnastics equipment. At one end there was a bar along the wall with large mirrors. At the other end were things John did not immediately recognize but which might well have been relics from an old dungeon.

"Today the sewing class is cancelled so that I can have an introductory session with you. You must once and for all recognize that your entire schooling will be very strict. You will be expected to obey every command, no matter how painful or disgusting or humiliating. Blind obedience is what I will constantly demand."

With that she fastened bracelets to each of John's wrists. They closed with a click. When John moved his hand to his sides, he heard what sounded like little bells attached to the bracelets.

"These will help to remind you that you are now a girl with every step you take. And of course this way your mistresses can always tell where you are."

"Now, first of all you must learn how to curtsey. You are expected to do this every time you see or meet one of your mistresses, no matter where you are or what you are doing. This, of course, also applies to guests and all the patients visiting Dr. Hepstein, even children." Miss Clara then made John do curtsy after curtsy. The first ten times he fell over. But then he learned to keep his balance. Miss Clara made him do this for more than thirty minutes and all the muscles in his legs began to ache. He hardly could straighten out and finally Miss Clara saw that John was getting too tired.

John looked immediately at his arms. He saw on each wrist a thin silver bracelet closed with an attractive little padlock also of silver. This little lock really looked like a small key ring and attached to them was a little silver bell which had an attractive sound. He also saw that he could not get them off without having the key to the lock. He thought, "I'm getting to be like a Christmas tree. First my ears and now this."

The next half hour was spent teaching John to move gracefully while walking. Miss Clara insisted that he swish with short steps and with feminine wrist movements, which made the bells cling merrily. John was wearing fairly low heeled shoes to match his uniform. And without high heels he found that he had the habit of taking steps that were too large. Miss Clara told him many times to watch this. "We will have to find hobbles for you if you do not learn faster."

John did his best. Finally Miss Clara said, "This is the way I want to see you walk from now on. We will, of course, have many more